Monday, December 14, 2015

Hardly anyone wants to be honest any more and transparency is a joke

No matter where you look at least most places the photos that accompany a screen name is about as fake as a promise from Boss Hogg. Look on your Facebook friends list 70% of the pictures that depict the way that person looks is phony. Of course there's those that post a photo makes damn sure you can't upstage that photo, even though yours might be to say see ya'll ain't all that. The one thing you can depend on like snow and single digit tempratures in Wyoming in December, no matter the posting no matter the log entry , no matter the promo, when the Knytes and/or the AyreWolvez or HazzardAyre Radio posts anything, what your seeing is the real thing, no photo shopping, no copying somebody else's content, no lie its the real deal no matter what others can't believe, it is what you see, and read is what it is and what you get.  But then sometimes you can't convince some people of anything. No matter how much they beller , they will call you a liar, but wont have the courage, to get off their ass, on their feet in the vehicle of choice and come look for themselves. I can count many examples but there are two that I can count as the most outstanding. One involves the hippocrit bunch in MHI. For months none could say they were wrong about me having a tow truck and all that went with it, while no beauty queen, still it wasn't until one finally got off their ass came to GF, and looked then they had to admit, Yes There was LexiBelle. Pride bit em in the ass. Of course the second was RTP's sort of Father in Law. He still says no radio station here at the Wolf's Den yet even though here's a pic . Yet he'll say naw, but there I am about as raw and real as it gets.
However do you think that the old fart will get off his lounge chair and come to the Wolf's Den to look for him self? Nope but He can say nope don't exist. It's kind of like a territory turf war going on in Green River. Where one good old boy who tows by the seat of his brow, yet has a little Lord Fontleroy, spoiled brat from Ogden Utah entering in trying to muscle in to absorb and take over Shawn's turf. I offered my ad time and all for $1,000.00 to get this problem in front of people and in front of law makers. Did he or any of his other associates jump? Nope. But being both a toewer as well as a media smith. Like I told Shawn, if you don't step up now, you only have yourselves to blame when KDY Stauffer takes over your clients. It's like mid year 2014, the cry went out on the issue, of getting people to move over for us toewers working on the side of the road. Allstate Insurance company fielded an ad that ran up on YouTube. I said lets do our own ad. So I got together with KSL TV in Salt Lake City, got the ad schedule all put together, but do you think I could get 10 of the big and medium sized towing services in Utah to cough up $100.00 a piece? Nope. Who paid for it all? Yep Cooter's A1 /Highway Hooker Toewing. 
Here at our company, in our organization and especially on the online airwaves, there is nothing phony , nothing fake. What you see and read is what it is, and what we are. From the Knytes, to the Wolf-Pack, to HazzardAyre, there is no pics, no bullshit, we are real, but today in society, politics, and especially the cyber highway , you can't be honest. 
Snowed 6 inches outside overnight, we're supposed to get at least 8 inches more. The commute is going to be a bitch, so I'm in bed.