Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hazzard County Christmas's and the blind boy whose eyes were opened

Hazzard County Christmas' are different from many in other locations throughout our nation as well as the world. I can remember the Christmas's we had in Hazzard Idaho. First it usually snowed so bad nobody or nothing was getting up our old country road, no matter what. Except a horse cars, trucks and even some tractors didn't make it all the way up, to the house. So we settled in and made good with what we had. The thing we had an abundance of in our home was love, love for each other, love of our home and yes love for and of our southern heritage and roots. But even earlier in my life at Christmas, there was two stories the house was a 1960's/70's era split level which meant a Christmas tree downstairs, and one upstairs. Clothes and electronic gifts were upstairs, car parts, bike parts, and such were downstairs. Most of the kids on our block, would come over to our house to see what I got and play, with most of them, since many of those kids didn't have as much or the swell toys I had. Then there was the girl across the street, named Vicky, who always wanted to come over and smooch, with some rather cheap lipstick and such, dang wish I would have known then what I learned later, could have had one helluva party. But we had monumentious Christmas's and I was lucky most of all for my Mom and Dad, not for the toys, and that but for them, we had love and loyalty in our family, and that goes a long way. 
I spent most of this holiday crying, then I pulled on my drawers very early Christmas Day, and treked over to Grace Idaho and spent most of the day with my kin folks, mostly cousin Claude and his wife,. Ate so dang much I could burst, got home in time to see online that our member Nate, is getting hitched. He kept saying no he wasn't but hey pics don't lie,
 Don't want to say I told you so Nate, but, I told you so. I knew you were headed for the alter way last May. Watched one of the Trek movies and a Shrek movie, ate some pudding. So HazzardAyre isn't on but will be come Saturday evening, as well as WyldAyre on Sunday morning. 
Okay the blind boy that finally saw the light. This was told me by a actor friend in 2005. See there was this little boy in an urban neighborhood, as he pulled his little red wagon with near new born puppies in it a Mormon Bishop, stopped him and was happy to see the sign on the side that said FREE MORMON PUPPIES!! A few weeks later the same boy pulling the same little red wagon, with the same puppies was stopped by the Mormon Bishop who questioned the boy as to the meaning of his new sign, for now it read, FREE Baptist Puppies, the boy replied ah yes Bishop, but last week the puppies eyes had not yet opened. 
Merry Christmas to the rest of you, I'm headed to bed, see you tonight on the radio.