Friday, December 18, 2015

Is it soup yet? Depends on who you talk to, we may be down but not out there still is HazzardAyre

There are many people who say they are Christians but when pressed are sitting on the fence. They believe in a higher power or entity but they don't have faith in his abilities, or power or love for us his servant children. It's sad really, sure there are times when we feel that we are powerless, over whelmed and just pushed against the wall, but when we put the problem in his hands and say , " Jesus take the wheel". that's when miracles do happen or at least we get guidance as to what to do. Example the gig of the shop, Rick and I, I know things are right at the burning bush right now, but I have faith that Heavenly Father and/or his son Jesus Christ, will give us the ability to overcome this, whether that is Dom in California financing us to the tune of $10k, or some yet unknown answer, if its to be, Jesus will make it happen. God does not give us things he doesn't want them to use, for Rick, its being able to turn a wrench, for me I have three skills, the ability to fly or be a pilot, tow and being on radio and/or TV. God also will not give us too much to bare, even though it may be that it seems like it is. It's also known by we who trust in God, that when one door closes another opens. Last year close to this time, my little service truck was down, had an asshole property manager, throwing my ass out of a tin can trailer, in the middle of the month. Add to that NGL unplugged me just for complimenting a front counter sales girl and the company she worked for. She took it wrong as an insult, so no Internet. I was still trying to get my VA and SSI money flowing in the right direction, radio station gear was about to get tossed, and needed my car. Yet, I got help from our church, got a ride to fetch the Subaru, got my radio gear back and was able to get some rental help from two Wards. The sweet lady who manages our complex pushed the app through and by late January, I had and still have a good nice very compfortable place to live. When I was faced with another financial crisis, here cam Uinta County Housing, lowered my rent, and I'm not doing too bad. Sure we might have or at least I might have to reduce my overhead a bit by finding less expensive quarters for HCC/Highway Hooker Toewing(mis-spelled on purpose) but by the end of the day, I also know I have this great gig called HazzardAyre(air) Radio. the mixing of Dukes of Hazzard and aviation(warbird) radio into one package. Worked solid, that brings in $500.00 or near there a month most months and raises during the summer months to nearly, $3,000.00 a month, of which I pocket $1,000.00 of and the two halves of the MC pocket the other two k . That's one of the reasons I'm going to Dom, for financing, as to not so much raise the income level for the tow service, but to elevate the inflow of cash to our stash, for HazzardAyre. If a few here of my crew would sell ad time on HazzardAyre, then we as an enterprise could be knocking on at least $10k a month. But finding people willing to waste some shoe leather and sell ad time for HazzardAyre is tough. So is it soup yet? Not exactly, and it depends on who you talk to, but at the end of the day the club and you still Have, HazzardAyre Radio,