Sunday, December 6, 2015

You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything

Aaron Tippin said it best in one of his hit songs, " You've got to stand for something or you'll for anything" I think they're right, no I know they're right. Last weeks shootings in San Bernadino California and all is showing and its getting worse that the government of the Yankee's hasn't worked very well if at all. I can count on one hand the few Presidencies that were free of overwhelming domestic debt, freedom and encouragement of new ideas was given wind under their wings and where all domestic policies were upheld. Now this may sound like back tracking, but hear me out. Few if anyone likes Hilary Clinton, but her husband Bill, when he was in office, had our domestic government budget stabalized , he put grants and other encouragments to build new ideas, the dot com boom is an example. Think Web 2.0 would have came without that .com boom? Community radio flourished, but the Republican allianced FCC put a stop or curtailed that , due too many Republican's getting in bed with the big radio companies, giving them the ability to monopolize even small town area radio and broadcasting. Then there was Uncle Bush, who decided right at the end of his Presidency to create more white frequency space, so that local governments could expand communications, and we would get Free wall to wall coast to coast Internet bandwidth availability. This was the idea. The reality? Dear sweet Bush was in bed with Verizon, A.T.&.T and all making hay to give the cell phone companies more bandwidth. In reality we were all put on a broadcasting or at least a political reservation. TV stations in small areas, were stripped of their analog frequencies, imported to digital, even old senior citizens had to spend large dollars to buy new digital TV's unless they signed up for cable or satellite. Now I agree, President Obama is really a crook, no doubt about it, but at least he has done a few things that few prior to him have done. First, he raised the amount of money to people like me on Social Security, to a reasonable $733.00 a month. It ain't much and there are months of serious sacrificing but at least one can pay a rent and live reasonably. Do I agree with all that Obama has done? No, but its not just his fault. You have a bunch of people in Washington that Beth Ann calls DC Occupiers, that are watching their ass, and lining their pockets and passing laws for their own sake, not yours or mine. Has anyone heard from Trump, Cruz or any of the running Republicrat candidates, their views on farm and agricultural policy? Has anyone heard fro them on trucking and transportation policies, has anyone heard anything about overhauling the Federal Communications Commission, to where small broadcasters can really get on the terrestrial airwaves, rather than see territory, or allocations dry up faster than rain water on an Arizona desert. If you thing Donald Trump is so great, he's running blocker for Hilary, sure he's popular as can be, but watch at near the mid point of the election, Donald takes Hilary as his Vice President running mate, and there goes the nation. 
Is there a path out of this? Sure., But is anyone except a small bunch of us in the Confederate Party and United Confederate States Of America. 
Any way, I stand for this sweet girl
  If you don't I feel for you, but at the end of my day I at least I can say at least I stood up for something that makes sense.