Friday, December 18, 2015

Towing people are not as united or together as one would believe, thank goodness for Toew Bros.

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If you look at press clips, and postings on say Facebook, you'd think that everybody in the business gets united when there's a fellow toewer or the entire area towing community is going to be effected by some legislative or other invader. Its always a great idea, as long as it whatever it is, DOES NOT COST THEM MONEY out of their POCKET. If it does the industry is not as united as one would think. Oh sure getting together at a tow show, or a WreckMaster class is one thing, but an area like say Rock Springs Wyoming, where one of our prospective members is located that's getting pushed out of the way by some big boy with deep pockets from Utah. So you throw up an idea, ban together pass the bucket around, get $100.00 a piece to throw in and do up some media blitz to educate politicians and policy makers that this is not a good idea. This also was the case, a year or so ago. AllState Insurance joined together with one of the big nationwide towing organizations and produced a 20 second ad on the idea of moving over so we don't get ran over out there doing our jobs. So what did the Toew Bro's do? We grabbed that 20 second PSA AD, and contracted with KSL TV, but we also sought a bit of financial help from the area toewers in Utah. Guess what a few did, in as much as we ran the ads for 6 months. So getting back to Wyoming, we could have put this together with a sub ad for the outside turf invaders dropping in on Rock Springs and Green River Wyoming, so our prospect member got in touch with a few over there, and no givers. Maybe Shawn can throw in $100.00 as I will, and the Toew Bro's can make up the difference. 
Next time you read on Facebook or elsewhere that all the toewers unite on a cause, don't believe it. Especially if the whatever it is cause COSTS THEM MONEY.