Monday, December 21, 2015

Snow can be your friend too, one chapter is near its end yet another soon will be

I woke up yesterday at just shy of 09:00 hours when I got a ringing in my ears that just did not go away, so I laid back down thinking it'd go away by church time, but nope. i hand the blooming ringing and trying to swallow, that just would not give me any relief. So I figured it is Sunday, even Heavenly Father took a day off, so I figured I could grab some grub, lay back down and get up by around 21:00 to run down to the shop. I got up and was so dang dizzy I hurled until all I could taste was bile, took my Nexium, and watched one of the Star Trek movies, the latest ones from JJ Abrams . Was going to do radio, but that damn ringing and muffled sound in my ears prevented that. I think I caught an upper respitory infection from one of the guys that hang around the shop. For me I don't do the sniffle thing I usually just get a bad ear infection, which I did. That and the high blood preasure that I've been under with the shop and all, been getting all these promises of money to help or do the past months rent. I don't mind contributing, but outside of twice, no contribution what so ever. I don't make that much each month, so that's why I enlisted a partner. If I could've done it all myself I'd do it all myself. Which is making me think , do I need to be? According to a few, its against Wyoming law to run a towing service from ones home, yet I can nearly count on one hand at least two maybe three here in Evanston, two out of Lyman, although there is no one in Fort Bridger and since I've been getting quite a few calls from Fort Bridger, makes me think, maybe I need to go sniff around there and see what's available there. I'm not saying that its quitting time at Hazzard County Choppers, but I am thinking it may be time for a push back and evaluate. Only if one customer pays his transmission conversion bill do we keep open, or at least a few local donations of those who say their friends.
My guess, it's going to be, move my equipment from the shop, here to my home, and look around to see what may or may not be available to determine if I remain in Evansgone or not. Twin Falls Idaho even Blackfoot Idaho looks good right now. I really wanted to go to church this Sunday, with the before Christmas services, but I just was too dang ill to do so. Maybe next week. Next month is really going to be a struggle, but if its cable/internet versus shop rent it'll be shop rent at least my half of it, depending on what happens today and the next couple of weeks, but its not going to be just me . 
Keep it tween the ditches.