Friday, December 11, 2015

A business that plans on staying alive needs to evaluate its priorities.

Just got off the phone having to turn down another call. A pretty good toew call, considering its hauling a vehicle from Evanston to Salt Lake City. Just that one call would have put the money in the cash stash and made the landlord happy. My partner at the shop was just this past week was saying that we should change names and regroup, and so on the towing side of the enterprise we have evolving here, yet 70% of all business being generated, and 80% of any return business we get is through and because of Highway Hooker Toewing. Yet LexiBelle sits , needing attention that I can't do myself anymore. More over most of anything that the shop is, is based on Highway Hooker Toewing. The LiL Wolf, still needs a main rear seal, and a pinion seal, LexiBelle needs the seats reinstalled and fueled , plus a cosmetic makeover, then its j-hooks and chains and tag lights. All this for right at just under $800.00 but it don't get done. And yet its me that sweats under the glare of ye old Landlord. Sure I expected a check in my mail box for some of the interest payment on the court settlement between Montgomery Foundation and Pilot/Flying J, but it ain't come. Called the attorney's on that today, they say its being processed, should be there in a week. So am working with a capital investment loan company to get us $10k, plus a bit more plus finance a rollback, something we really need, but the overall thing is simple, if its Highway Hooker Toewing that's generating business, wouldn't it be smarter to invest some time into LexiBelle, rather than a bunch of side projects? All I know is this there's 6 months until my lease on this apartment I live in here is up, if this can't be turned around to putting money in my pocket, its time to re-evaluate Evanston as a whole, and look at going to Twin Falls.