Saturday, December 12, 2015

I just hate the holidays

I just hate the holidays, despite the fact that this time of year just reminds oh how damn lonely and all alone I am, its the damn shopping. But last evening before I went to the shop, went with some club members to shop for kids. Of course we just had to go to the Layton Hills Mall, then to Wal-Mart. I was soo pooped for the long snowy ride down, that I didn't feel like hoofing it around, so got one of those motorized fat peoples carts, and off we went. Of course the comedy came, when I of course got high centered on a rack display of Leggs Pantyhose. There I was cussing and fussing to get that old farts mini golf cart undone, finally the club came over and after picking up the half hundred little eggs rolling all over a few thought it kinda ironic that of all the things I'd get hung up on, it was a rack of pantyhose. Imagine that. So got back, called Rick, and went down to the shop. I wanted to stay even longer, except I can't stand being around Steph' dad and brother so called inlaw, any longer than I needed to. Ron's not that bad, after all and to be honest he did fetch food for me last year about this time when LiL Wolf was knocked out. But Ron is the kind of person, that the hair on the back of your neck raises and you feel the need to just smack him up the side of the head just for normal procedure. Then there was a time that I was telling Steph's two kids, about Tinkerbell, and Ron came unglued and thought I was talking something sinister. Tinkerbell, sinister? Is he real? Anyone who can extract something demonic out of Tinkerbell and family, really has some insecurities. So I came home, and now as soon as the water heats its bath, and Bed. See ya'll in the mid AM on the radio.