Monday, December 14, 2015

Ah those who never take the time to understand.

There's that only get part of the situation, but fail to look further. It's like myself , Sure there's bookoo bucks in the Montgomery Foundation, trouble is I can't get at it. That money is in escrow right now pending the disbursements from a law suit between Metro Securities and The Montgomery Foundation, as well as a lawsuit going on between the Montgomery Foundation and Pilot/Flying J. When Flying J went under, it took the majority of the Montgomery Foundations none liquid funds. The theft of funds from Metro Securities out of Washington state, got put on hold through a long , long , law suit. The proceeds from that wont get to me until mid year 2016. Sure I have an interest payment coming here shortly, and I've been watching for it, but the fantastic Evansgone postal service, lost it somewhere. Must be on that Saint Benard dog, crossing the snow. Few people know where and even take time to absorb all of this, however it can be backed up, one call to big Ricky in Twin Falls and all that can be vouched for. This is also why, my dillweed cousin set me up through SSI for my PTSD. It was enough to keep me living at least. Between that and what little I get from THE UCSMC , most months gets me by. Sure taking on this shop, was a stupid idea, and even stupider was going to fetch LexiBelle before we had things secure here in Evanston. I said that then, but no body listened. Sure I'm thrilled, but now I have to find other quarters. Sure I have some things in the wind to attempt to save all of this, I have a finger out to a guy in California for a loan, hope Dominic, but with my crappy ass'd credit and all while I'm praying, that's like betting on finding water in a Arizona desert. Out of the $1,900.00 I get each month, expenses go out , power, cable/internet, radio station expenses, truck and car insurance, Child support, and then if I'm able , shop rent or at least half of it. Here lately, over the last 3 months, I just haven't had enough to cough up for the shop rent part. I'm trying to fight the Child Support, since it was all paid once, but some buttmaggot in Boise forgot to document it. Finding the Montgomery Foundation paperwork is a program. I have cousins who took over most of that on the legal side, its really complicated. But Does anyone give a squat? No. Does anyone try to help? No, at least not here. But I can say this, last night, just as I was pulling out of the shop, got a tow call. MP 19 Fort Bridger. Couldn't run, why? LexiBelle is still done. Besides the thing of my partner going half of the rent, how about a little help not money just knowledge and all bringing LexiBelle out of the cobbwebbs so I can make money? Hey there's an idea. No everyone just thinks I can pull rabbits out of hats, but I'm getting to think, forget about the rabbits, and get a new hat. Do I think Dominic can help, I'm praying he can, I'm hanging my ass out here to help some, people in the shop, as well as myself, that would just as soon, me leave, trust me I'm thinking about it. I can't help it if I get a near diabetic coma, due mainly to stress over a shop. That hospital bill, sure had some coverage from Medicaid, however the co pays skunked me for December and the fact that my Marine money was delayed due to a paperwork fumble. Hey its the DoD. Then of course there's the radio gig. While few don't get that, and by virtue its geared to today's confederacy and all, still the show and all could be sold, at least ad time thereon. But does anyone else around here want to take on a job, that pays $20.00 for every $100.00 ad sale? No. At $75.00 if just even 20 local business's bought a months ads on the online radio station, there's the shop rent and a little left over. 
Any way that's life here. Its stress where I don't need it, but there's solutions, just need to get through the next few weeks.
Just hope Dominic can help.