Thursday, December 17, 2015

It wasn't a matter of If , just a matter of when Highway Hooker Toewing stays operational, while we seek new quarters for HCC

B4 I get off on my rant here, I need to make this clear, its not yet ready to throw in the towel on HCC, but with the need to finally pull the plug on the shop on Riverside Loop, it looks like HCC at least here in Evanston is going back on the shelf. I by no means want to say anything bad on or about Rick and I, nor that again and let me repeat its not the end, as there is still hope, that Rick and I can come to an arrangement and agreement of another shop, that at least Highway Hooker Toewing can run out of. But partnerships are hard things to keep running well. I've seen some good ones, The original Hazzard Garage in Hagerman Idaho, ran well, because there was a common theme and vision between Jimmy Mac, myself, Lester and Karl Kuhn. We all were and are Dukes fanatics, we all believed in the foundation of the Dukes, and is why the Hazzard Knytes was founded. Yet Rick, has one vision for a shop, I have another, and why pros in repair like our friend Nate, outside of his Dad doesn't take on partners. This way he keeps them friends and yes even customers. Even Lexibelle knew this was not the time to bring her here, which is why she was fussy in the process of that. Now I have to scramble to find a place for three rigs, get em moved and stored. Unless my new business associate Dom in California, gets me financed the only thing I'm doing is going towing. Building custom bikes and all is just not possible here now. There's a couple of things on the board, that Rick knows, but its not clear yet if I'm going to be welcome there, and another that can happen only if I get financed by Dom. Otherwise its start the migration process back to Twin Falls Idaho or immediate area. So with that, I'm headed to bed to get to the shop to get things in order to relocate. I was praying that I wouldn't have to, but the one ride that would at least hold off the relocation, isn't anywhere near done, But I have my plans and need to define them.