Wednesday, December 16, 2015

on the home front this early morning

On the home front this early morning, seems as though AllWest is again dropping channels, due to rising cable network costs, they say its because of a recent survey that said people don't want to pay higher cable TV prices, real reason, AllWest can't afford it. I think AllWest is going broke , or at least hurting and no improvement here in Evanston, is forthcoming so good bye more channels. Seems as though we pay more, get less. So I'm looking into Dish. But its also why there wasn't a HazzardAyre show over cyber last night because upload speed would not run fast enough. Amazing ? Not really, but AllWest knows for Internet here its them or the highway. Until somebody else steps in with faster speeds and bandwidth. 
Shop rent crisis temporarily averted, but for how long nobody knows. Have another shop sited if I can get my partner to go with it. RTP said today in a text , what I'm going to do? Of course I love being at the shop, and as long as its just RTP and I at the shop all is well, however anybody else shows up and I'm made to feel like a fifth wheel there at the shop. In other words insignificant . That's one reason I gracefully exit when I feel my presence is not welcome. There are other reasons, like a pic recently made, without inclusion of Highway Hooker Toewing or Hazzard County Choppers, which should come first as its my name on the lease, and my name on the shops insurance policy, but hey at least LexiBelle has a warm place to sleep. 
More in the morning.