Sunday, December 6, 2015

At the beginning of yet another chapter of a bad day yesterday

Partnerships especially in business rarely last for very long. There's always that part of the song that creeps up where one or the other wants to do it his or her way, rather than sit down and have a meeting and discuss the situation and come to a mutual agreement or at least a middle of the road agreement. When I see things like what is festering at our shop here, I think, I trusted too much, I did not put down on paper what's to be expected of both parties involved, and have it in legal form, and where I gave I don't know how much money to a prior so called partner to pay part rents and all and then Rick says, he hasn't seen anything on my part. Well partner , lets see. There's the taxation situation, that I PAID to be legal, there's the insurance on the building that I PAY, so if the damn place blows up its all covered, sure we got behind in the rent, on the place for all of 2 months, not what our Landlord says, Somewhere in my mess of papers there's the reciepts of at least two months I know I paid. The only two months that wasn't paid was June, and September, October and November. October's wasn't because I had personal expenses involving my son in Pocatello, then November there was the damn car, but even with that, I said then in November rather than go fetch Lexi, we pay our bills first, that money by the way, was paid in part , by business generated by Highway Hooker Toewing's listing on Yelp, Highway Hooker Toewing is getting at least 8 calls per week, that I need to turn away because we can't run them due to Lexi being down. I have asked I don't know how many times, for help getting Lexi back into shape, not money, but labor. Yet its everybody else's vehicles in there in the shop that gets any attention. Sure and I'm as sorry as you or anyone else, my health is getting worse. I can't run the 100 mph that I used to when I was younger. My diabetes, my heart condition, and the fact I have another condition that I can't spell, I can't bend , swoop, duck, and crawl under vehicles like I used to when I was 40 something. As far as money generation, have you or anyone else jumped in and said, hey ah maybe I could help old Pat with that Radio station thing of his. Maybe I could help sell ad time and all for that radio station, that is legal, and that would therein money coming back to the shop. Granted $2,000.00 a month ain't much, but that'd pay shop expenses. Including rent and power. The list goes on and on, but maybe it's time for me just to get my equipment put back together myself, get myself moved to Idaho, and forget Evansgone is even here. 
What i wont do in comprimize is this, i will not give up my Southern roots , I will not give up my Southern ancestry, and I will not back down from flying my flag of Dixie. 
 I love that my parents , parents, parents are from the promised land of the south, yes I have the song of the south in my heart and soul. I'd never ask that you give up your roots or family, don't ask me to give up mine. The fact that in just a very few days maybe a week or so, that flag and my parents' foundation, will put $5k, of interest in my bank account, and that mid month next month $600k, into my bank account may not bother you, or you don't care. Where I plant the seeds of that $600k, depends on a lot of attitudes. If someone thinks that I just sit here in my house, spanking my monkey, I have news for you and them, every damn waking minute outside of prayer, and going to the bathroom along with jeapordizing my government money , I put all my waking time trying to keep the fires lit at that damn shop. The fact that Friday night, I damn near met my maker a bit too soon, has gotten me to thinking. How can we reduce the expenses to make this work? Not get hit in the head, with a 4X8 from the one person I consider still a friend.