Monday, October 5, 2015

Where was Elder Oaks in this years LDS Conference?

aS I get ready to hit the rack, since I can't do the radio show due to a poor upstream rate via AllWest, I think on this session of LDS Conference. There were many speakers that just were not there. 3 that have traversed the mortal coils of life into the next dimension and one that was pretty much a staple of those that usually address the LDS faithful, but was strangely missing. Elder Oaks. So I searched for a meaning to this, face it there are just some things that even Google doesn't know. But I'm still troubled, as there was no mention of his not being there on any of the SLC news streams, nor any news on any church sites. There are many of the speakers I admire and even President Monson, who I thought was a bit too feeble, watch to see if he doesn't pass on between now and spring conference.  There was that final Japenese guy that I barely could understand, perhaps a subtitle crawl should have been used so us at home could understand, then there was the lady who spoke, who stumbled on pronouncing President Monson' name and said Monstor, then had to retract real fast, but all through the speakers, no Elder Oaks. 
I also noticed a few things, first the usual stream was NOT on YouTube, just yesterday's session, guess somebody forgot to upload it. Sunday being what it is. Several items that I wont go into here, but while the Church has the finest of the finest of just about everything including media werx, some of the fine tuning by some of the finest production people on Earth was not there.
So I'll close with my main question here, Where was Elder Oaks in this weekends session of LDS Conference?
See you in the afternoon.