Sunday, October 4, 2015

Can't poop but trying and another lost

Been suffering most of the day with severe constipation. Can't hardly go and when I do, I still feel a load inside. So not feeling very good. Might be the meds I took for mucus and the meds for my tooth combined, but hopefully will be better soon.
Then just a few ago got another tow call. As usual could not respond. While loosing $50.00 for a simple tow or $80.00 for a heavy might not seem much if you multiply that by several it really takes the food out of our mouths. I guess the only way to get LexiBelle over here is to wait until the first of the month, and have Charlie at A1 bring it over here. Just when it seems you get your head above the water something pushes you back under. So going to go ask around see if someone around here has a medium duty trailer and truck to haul my rig over here. Snow is at the door step, this needs fixing NOW!!
Watched conference , but failed although maybe he was , but I failed to see Elder, Oaks on the speakers card. He's always been a staple of Conference of the church, but maybe HE had something other to do. Who knows?
See ya'll on the radio in the morning.