Tuesday, October 13, 2015

When Social becomes no longer Social, can you be in Too Many groups or have too many bookmarks on FB?

When a social site or a web platform that was built on sharing 411 says you can't share much if at all anymore that social site becomes no longer social. It becomes a place where only those with deep pockets can play, and if your not dolling out big mucho denaro , guess what your told you can't establish any more pages or groups. Oh sure if I contacted FB and said I'll buy the spot, you can bet your butt that FB would set it up, but if FB wants the club and or me to spend ANY money on their site for anything, from the radio werx to the shop, they best pull their college brains out of their anal retentive butts.
Example, now that we are just days to fire the stove of KNAK FM radio here in Evansgone, Wyoming, I wanted to put up a Page for KNAK as well as a group, to support the station because of the club. So started through the process, but got a error message saying you reached your limit on bookmarks. Okay bullsbreath. My response? Want my ad money FB? Pull your head out of your ass'.
Wanted to go fly today, as it was a great day to do so, but got one of my terrbile migraines so sat in bed, dark as I could get it, took some Goody's, and getting ready to hit the rack so I can do the radio show in the morning.
More L8R Wolf-Pack,