Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Did someone screw the pooch Again?

I wonder sometimes, did someone screw the pooch AGAIN? Here's what I'm talking about. Just when you think , most of the plugins and perrefrials for your computers programs are safe, something happens. You get that notice from Microsoft, or Iobit, or some place that you just have to download a update. So you update, thinking your okay, because according to all your safeguards are safe. So you restart your computer but find your hard drive just took a serious shit. So after several days of cyber withdrawl, and all, you get your machine back with just a minimal amount of those treasured tools that YOU depended on, are not there. So you go to searching for them. If you find them, you find that the site that just might just have what your looking for, is questionable, and you learned from experience that downloading anything any more is risky. So you shrugg your shoulders and do without. 
It's times like this, that I reflect back to simpler times in Hazzard. Fishing by Hazzard Creek, watching the critters, just a wad of Skoal or Beachnut in your pocket, your little pocket knife wittling a piece of wood to make a small boat to float in the creek. Waiting for Miss Tizzdale to deliver the mail, finding the latest issue of your JC Whitney Catalog, your ordered your just gotta have part, and you put faith out there in sending check or money order to them, in about 4 weeks you got your thingamajig and installed it, but that was the America we used to have. Don't get me wrong I'm all for technology, but damn it Microsoft and others, get the damn bugs out of your products, before you put it out for public consumption, not have people tell you the mess ups, or at least at some outfits, have a damn help desk, that one can call for help. Oops that might create a few jobs.
It's not just us, even biggies like Yahoo, is having trouble keeping its head above water. I have a few ideas there. Make some of your old freebees, available again, like chat, like free classifieds , even small business's can post local job openings etc. Give the people what we want and we'll be back. Get government out of business'. Let's get things back to where we were, so we can move ahead.
Semper Fi Ya'll