Monday, October 12, 2015

Pretty bad thing when you can't post things to your own damn page or group

It' pretty damn bad in this day and era, when you can't post things to your own page and your own business page on Facebook. Trouble is the little fartknockers at FB HQ in California sure want me , the club and the shop to pay big money to BOOST the page or advertise. 
But hey believe it or not, it is Facebook's website, they call the shots, and your just along for the ride, more over getting up the six. 
What to do? Do up our own page. Build your own companies site and govern the damn thing yourself. I have howled about this for nearly 15 years , but never found someone with the smarts or ability to do this, at least for a decent price. 
However the competing radio werx here says they build websites so going in to visit them on building ours, including embeding Livestream and our radio gig into the site. If they can't then its off to Infogenix in Orem Utah to do the web build.
As much as we as brick and mortar business' distrust the Internet, in today's era, if we are to succeed beyond the small geographic borders, then a web presence is required. Then we CAN post what we want and say, what we want to , and it not be screened for PC content. Even if it is, if it's our site, there is not a damn thing Facebook or anybody else can do about it. 
CenturyLink once said they had people to do this, but never have had one of their web experts call, to begin the process. 
Any mile, When blocked by Facebook, build your own site. Then Facebook can't do anything about it.