Friday, October 2, 2015

How long before it costs you? Will you pay to use Facebook or even YouTube?

How long before it costs you money? Will you pay to use social media like Facebook and YouTube? Are you willing to shell out from your plastic card each time you look up your email, or want to hear a tune? What if there's a tech glitch how will you resolve the problem? Currently there is no self or any kind of call in help desk at either Google or Facebook. What if you want to watch a full length movie on YouTube, it lists that its available, but the third party provider took it down, more over wont even accept YOUR plastic. I finally had to order the movie I wanted to watch earlier this evening from JET.COM so by next week I can watch my movie one of which created part of the club, thing is if the movie is no longer available how come the editors of these sites wont take down the listing? Who do you complaign to? More over is any of these big shot outfits even listening? Even if you do call a customer service line, you get some gal from India that barely can speak English, and she can't resolve the problem. At least my plastic didn't get charged. Of course there's Facebook. How many times have you put up something about your company, or a tune you like to share it, but never see it listed? Reason? I'll tell you the reason the Facebook screeners want to charge YOU money for that. If it even looks like its a business or an ad, it'll be taken down faster than Boss Hogg eating raw liver at the Boars Nest. The once free everything goes all knowing Internet and search engines are fading away faster than a 283 Chevy V8 and Cherry Coke for a dime. So again I ask the question, Will you pay for using the services like Gmail, YouTube, and Facebook? The day is coming.