Friday, October 16, 2015

3Rd notice huh? I still ain't buying

Every day I get some kind of notice in my trash box, about some super grant or financial contribution to my education from some where. It always has a girls email addy attached, thinking us male corpuscles or at least this Alpha Male Wolf, is going to at least sniff around if it has a babes scent on it. This is any more, there are only 3 women that I really give attention to. In order, Erin, Mirinda, and of course my shop pards squeeze , Steph. Past that I don't hear , see or want to taste much in the way of female advice. Sure I love looking at women, going on dates(ain't had one in 3 years) and all of that, but trusting a female human enough to open my wallet any more is rare if at all.
Betsy bit the hard drive, so she's in the hospital, getting serious heart and kidney surgery, been praying for her. Mike her surgeon is good at what he do, so she's in good hands, its just when you've had someone long enough around and you reach out and she ain't there, you get melencollie. 
Check us out in two weeks on the radio, see you in the ayre l8r.