Saturday, October 3, 2015

Choose Duty before self Both Heavenly Father and the club

Sorry about not being on air this previous afternoon, but medicine both self prescribed and Doctor ordered, I cast away my cares and hit the rack, only to be awakened by Richie down at the shop. I responded and took care of business. But not to dispaire I came home, and did the rebroadcast of LDS Conference over our HazzardAyre Radio network. 
I was supposed to go to a missionary dinner earlier but unfamiliar with the location of Sister Dean's home, I emailed the Bishop to see if he would contact Sister Dean, and have someone come to my home and guide me to Sister Dean's. Nobody showed, so I settled down warm and took a shower. Priesthood meeting done via the network download of Conference, while taking a bath/shower gives a completely new meaning to the word humble. I heard many talks on conference, but two features between sessions impacted me. One was about some guy who when in need of firewood, undertook the duty to go deep into the woods in his sparkingly rebuilt Chevy 4X4. As he did, feeling very cocky but eventually got mired in the snow. Not gaining any traction he prayed. Thinking his prayer had not been answered he sawed his firewood and loaded his truck. Of course the weight gave the traction he needed to unmire his truck. It was something to do with the lesson of life is not worth living without carrying a load of some sort. I also think the secondary lesson, was one of those my Mom taught me as a young WolfPup. The bird that flys to high usually ends up in a pile of manure, meaning when you think your all that, Heavenly Father will show you very promptly how much your not somuch all that. 
The true paths of Heavenly Father, goes to that of the words of His son Jesus Christ, Its better to serve than to be served. With that I serve him through the service I give through the Knytes and the LDS Church through my work with and for HazzardAyre Radio. 
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