Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Some days you just want to Jap slap people

There are some days you just want to Jap slap people to wake them up out of their Rip Vanwinkle deep trance snooze and say wake up smell the coffee, it's burning. Example, lady friend, poke her on FB, but she signs out faster than the GL over Miller's Pond. Told my shop partner that the shop, the toew service needs a good solid website, but he just tossed the idea. Thing is in this day and age, and era, those custom riders from Metro Utah Valley are not just going to happen up her by accident, we need to have things out there that draw them to us. Moreover its like RodeWolf Toewing, Reason for the name change later today here on Hazzard County Tymez, But any mile, people that need to be snagged and dragged are not just going to call us on a whimm. They need to know about us first. Some may get our name from some specially placed TV ad's, but unless we follow that up with a strong website, and a we intend on surviving banner out on the cyber highway, they will never call, or summon us to fetch their ride. 
Then there's the little mismunchers at FB, try as I might, I can't place things directly on my FB or on my FB group or pages. No I need to sneak it in through a back door. Really those little college aged tech geeks at FB, have not the experteeze to figure out what it I speak and write about. So they block my posts. Really? 
Then I read, on my FB newsfeed trending strip, about some of my fellow Georgian's getting charged with terrorism, due to their protests of the removal of our flag of Dixie last July. Terrorism? Come on, us Confederates are more patriotic than ANY group of people, if they take OUR flag, take away all the guns, and start to embelish public money, which they are working at doing all of that, what liberty or liberties are left? Purtty soon, there'll be somebody standing outside the door to your outhouse, and you'll have to ask for a bit of toilet paper to wipe your butt. Plus the EPA will be right there to make sure you dispose of your dung properly. 
Seems as everyone is running from the PC Police and in fear of the American gastapo. Come on friends this IS America. No matter where your from, even if your not a soldier of Dixie or ancestor there of, this too is your nation, if you don't stand up and fight purtty soon, it'll be all gone. We'll be eating mush saying love Alah. 
Any mile, see ya'll on the radio this afternoon, on RodeWolf/HazzardAyre Radio , on www.livestream.com/rodewolffm