Saturday, October 3, 2015

The trouble with getting a tooth pulled and thank Heavenly Father and Jesus for SKOAL

The trouble with having a tooth pulled is that first after the percocet starts to wear off your jaw starts to hurt, worse than when the messed up tooth was in your jaw. So you get up and do like I do, hopefully , you take two Goody's Headache Powders , that starts the healing process, to sustain the no hurt or at least the throttleing back of pain, a pinch between the place where your bad tooth was and your cheek does help. Now I know that Part 89 of the D&C says to refrain from use of chew, or tobacco . It also says a lot of other things that are not seen for what they are. There's one part of it that says use of herbs and some weeds are good for us. Can you say Marijuiana? Grass is both a weed and herb, and THC has great healing properties. The common belief also says, no caffine, meaning no coffee or tea, wait a minute, if you read carefully there is nothing saying NO Caffine, or Coffee or tea. The scripture says , no hot drink. If we are to take that to heart, that also would throw out hot chocolate, and Postum , Sanka and several other hot drinks that both LDS and none LDS drink. I bet there's a ton and a half of other things that is said not to do, but both LDS and none LDS alike do it. I would also go as far as saying, don't procreate beyond your financial means. Yet many do. I did and I pay all total $550.00 a month in child support covering 5 children one just becoming of age where I don't she's going into the USMC, but the rest, I have to fork over money for each month. One I still say ain't mine, but a substitute. That in a private entry at another time. Any mile, thanks to my SKOAL, Goody's Headache Powder, I'm feeling sorta good. Went down to the shop, but got so loopy I darn near puked. So drove over to KFC, and got a spud bowl, that has little if anything to chew just swallow, came home and been doing radio editing most of the night. Change of air schedule though, HazzardAyre will be on at 1:00PM or 13:00 hours, as I need to surrender to the meds I been taken, so need sleep. As I close I do say, that there is a deep thing going on at YouTube. If you have a treasured tune you want to keep, better download it now, or record it, somehow, as it may not be there in the morning or next week. You might have thought that the song you had was replaceable, but in fact with the copyright police patroling the cyber highway, that special tune may not be and most likely wont be there in the afternoon. 
Last but not least and I'll get into it further later today, but, the annual, Knytes-of-Dixie MC, Toys-for-Tots(USMC) project begins Monday. Its the time of year we gather new unwrapped toys from some of ya'll to donate to the USMC program of the same name. This means those low income and needy children in our areas of charters, can at least wake up to something for Christmas this year. Some of our families have many children in them, we really need your generosity this year. The economy as bad as it is, many children will not have anything if we don't help and we can only help if ya'll will help us. So when you start buying Christmas, please pick out a toy or two extra, and bring it to Hazzard County Choppers, #10 Riverside Loop , in Evanston Wyoming, we'll wrap it and deliver it. If ya'll would rather donate cash, so we can buy for these little ones we accept that as well.  Going to visit with our Bishop, next week, about getting some PSA ad's up on the competing station so we can do some good for our local in need children. 
Talk at ya'll Later