Saturday, October 10, 2015

Its Crunch time at Hazzard County Choppers, a reunification badly needed

First of all , I'd love to shake the hand or hands of the people or person who came up with Goody's Headache Powders. I have been suffering with another messed up tooth, yea I know lay off the Skoal and all will be good. Trouble is with my stress level, If I stopped the Skoal, and Lithium, I'd be slitting throats and taking out hearts. The idiots that rummage through this community of 13,000 is enough to make you instead of quit drinking makes you run right to the bottle. 
With another so called Partner gone leaving me and Rick alone, its time to bring this enterprise together. The bills that got stacked up over the last three months, no business license, that was set to be done two months ago, why didn't Amber go to city hall, get the form her and I make it out, and send it off? Then we could have made money. Although by all fairness, Nathen had no problem charging a guy serious cash to install a audio amp in a fancy Blazer, but that was okay. Blame me for everything. Guess once again, instead of me being the CO, of the whole damn thing , I delegated authority, and it once again came back around to bite me in the six.(six is military aviator slang for rear end or butt) So its now picking up pieces and getting things on the road like its supposed to be. Looks like maybe a reunification between LexiBelle and I most likely will be this week. This is long overdue. I need the truck to make money sure, going toewing, but that hunk of steel on 6 wheels, means far more than just a toew truck. LexiBelle, is the very last piece of the Montgomery Foundation legacy left, after mom died, every other one of the rides and all I had then are all sold, one I'd like to crown my elderly cousin for letting go and my xyl being so happy to do so. While I was stationed overseas and couldn't do much about it. LexiBelle and I went to my High school Prom together, where I had the first sexual encounter hence the name Lexi, Alexis Brown of Blackfoot Idaho. Who enduldged behind the Albertsons store there in Blackfoot in 1985. Well maybe not my first, but the most memeroable. Plus Major Boyingtons signature on a plaque in the truck, hence the other half of the name, Belle. After aircraft 883 USMC VMF214 BlackSheep.  Many drive in movies, the rescue of Evil Knievels bike from the canyon, LexiBelle has done it all, and for the Love of Peter, have not found even one person in the entire village of Evansgone(oops Evanston) Wyoming with the many equipment trailers and all that could be bothered or willing to truck to Twin Falls Idaho and haul her back. Yea real community unity , my ass.
Any mile RodeWolf/HazzardAyre Radio in two hours , tune in 
See ya'll on the Radio.