Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nyte Haul 1 bet they didn't figure on this, Did they?

Was not going to get dressed and go out again, but caught a service call so got up and went. Only to find when I got to the shop a cop waiting in the side driveway. No big deal, but it's un-nerving none the less. Don't think Nathen and the rest thought that one of the people he brought down to be a help would be someone that together got Nathen booted out. But so it goes he's out.
Then stopped for Milk and a cookie at Wal-Mart, guess my bitching did some good, milk came down in price a bit not as low as Smith's but low enough to where I can go back into Wal-Mart late at night, guess the Wolf's howl was loud enough.
So decided to jot a few things down while my meds kick in and I can hit the rack again. Of all the things that are of some concern residing in Evansgone Wyoming, its that the air even with the rain, and all is still very dry.
Any way have a church gig to do in the AM, and then conference afternoon. Catch ya'll on the radio at 18:00 on .