Friday, October 2, 2015

From the highway into the air and why I'm not on the air today.

The way and direction of how a hot rod club got into flying and love of relic vintage warbirds and all is quite by the hand of our Heavenly Father, and maybe Pappy Boyington. It was in 2001 , I had moved from Glenn's Ferry Idaho on a furlough to Jerome Idaho. Sitting in my home nest watching Black Sheep Squadron, and reliving my times in the squadron of today, I had been to the toilet, and came out and heard the rumbling of two F-4U Corsairs overhead, thinking it was just my TV , I turned it down and sure enough just overhead those two Corsairs circled back again on approach to Land at the Jerome Airport. So I went outside tuned into AirNet and heard the tower and pilot conversations. So I scrubbed the idea of going to eat and out to the Jerome Airport I went. I saw where the two Corsairs went in and decided to snoop it out. So I went into this hangar that belonged to an outfit called AirPower UNLIMTD an aircraft rebuild service. As I walked in saw not one, not two but 4 beautifully restored and flyable F-4-U's. After talking to the owner and finding out that each one had a final to the customer collector, $4,million plus each I thought this beats the $500k I make building a custom scoot or rod. So as with the Hazzard Knytes, I thought get a few military airheads together, form a club, open a warbird restoration facility and go from there. So I called Hazzard Knytes President on the phone said this should be a good addition to the Hazzard Knytes. So we formed, what was then the BlackSheep Aviation Club. Later that became the BlackSheep Aviation Association.  That was put on the back shelf for a very short time since I was tem crew chief for Dixie Deere Racing, and had moved to Utah. As I was going through many changes in my life at the time and so was the club, the big whammy hit. The Montgomery Foundation, hit the brick wall. One of the annuity companies that the Montgomery Foundation, had invested in got caught by the Security and Exchange Commission of defrauding many investors. As such all but $500k that the Montgomery Foundation had invested was now on hold, until the mass law suit, was settled(still batteling on that) but one afternoon, in scouting an old cab and chassis that had parts that LexiBelle needed, I was on the flight line of the then West Bountiful SkyPark, watching planes and helicopters coming in and taking off. I tried to move, but couldn't . Something had glued me right there. Up came my second cousin Gordon, after an exchange of family greetings, Gordon and I got together with Foundation trustee Bud, and AyreWolf Aviation was born. We did specialty aviation, crop dusting, air freight, SAR, and fire suppression. (Still do). Two years later, while I was living in Morgan Utah, the Knytes and the BlackSheep got together, and the BlackSheep Aviation Association was reformed into the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. Two years ago just before I moved to Utah from Idaho, Cousin Gordon, got engaged, moved to Alaska, and got married just this past year. With him , AyreWolf Aviation, still owned in part by myself as well as Gordon, operates bush plane and helicopters in Alaska, while I am looking to regain my side of the lower 48 side as Hazzard Ayre Aviation. I'm still looking for a place to do that. However its the tiny year end money from AyreWolf Aviation, as well as my SSI and Military pension that keeps me alive and prosperous. 
Now then, I wanted to get on the radio today, however, I suffered the agony of having a tooth pulled, and am in a state that talking much is out of the question, likewise the pain killers have me a bit loopy. So I'm writing and such rather than on radio or at the shop.
And that's how the Knytes started to fly and how the Wolf-Pack was formed.