Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oops Sorry about the radio show and I missed Church again

OOps I did not get up in time for doing HazzardAyre nor even going to Church, but after the last couple of days, I just got up long enough to grab some shreaded wheat cereal, roll over and went back to bed. Tried to find the results to the NASCAR race yesterday that was postponed until Sunday, due to serious rain, but never got to find out, and this week I really didn't care. 
I had every intention of going to Church this afternoon since I wanted to see the Bishop and all, but like I said, here lately my brain has been writing checks, my body can't cash. I'm not a youngster anymore. I tucker out fast and between diabetes, and the fact I ran out of fight in this lap of the race of life, all I want to do much any more is go to the shop tinker, snag a toew and come home and snooze. And sometimes if its good watch TV. 
Had a conversation with my executive council of the club via conference call. The thought is even though I really want to go where its warmer and less complicated like back to Tweaker Flatts, or Hazzard Idaho. Am I really going back to what was and could take it up from there? Or would it be the same view I had about Evansgone? Where I thought all was like it was in 2006 when I left, but come to find out Evansgone is really gone or at least detereating faster than the paint of my truck? There was when I left, at least two maybe three places open after 2:00AM here to eat, not any more. In fact you can't even get a cup of coffee anywhere after 2:00AM here anymore. There was in 2006 4 nightclubs and 2 beer bars open until 2:30 AM, not any more. In fact there isn't any beer bars open here anymore. What it comes down to is this. There's a dream and then there is reality and the two don't exactly get together all the time. Sure I could run off to Tweaker Flatts, Idaho or immediate area, or might I fetch LexiBelle, bring it to Evansgone, get her in pristine condition, same for LiL Wolf, look at areas like Pocatello, or even as close as Grace, Soda Springs or Montpelier, Idaho. Where I have family? Grace or that area of Idaho makes the most sense, since my grave stone along with Mom and Dad's is, and at least there's people there who would know what to do if I keeled over. Here in Evansgone, Wyoming ; there isn't but one person who would know. If I keeled over , a call would go to Nate Brown, then to Charlie of A1 in Twin Falls who would then get in touch with Rickey Lemmons, who would call my cousin in Grace Idaho. Seems like a bunch of telephoning would need to be done, just to bury my butt. Plus it'd be days before anyone would know. How many times and I can't even count them on one hand, since there hasn't been many if at all , anybody, who comes and checks on me, to see if I'm alive or dead. The local LDS Uinta View Ward, here, who has yet to assign a home teacher only rarely visits. The only way anyone would know is when my corpse started stinking, that the lady in charge of this complex got a call of the stink. Let's face it the club's charter is not that strong in this part of Wyoming. The majority of the charter is either Kemmererr , Rock Springs, Afton and Jackson Hole. After 2007 the southwestern Wyoming Charter pretty much died and I haven't had much luck in reviving it since, let alone even now. 
Not saying I'm never going to move again, but before I do something like I did, with both Utah from Hazzard, or Utah to Evanston, I'm going to look at a bunch of things long before I pull the plug and haul up the anchor. 
Any mile see ya'll Monday at 13:00 on RodeWolf/HazzardAyre Radio at