Monday, October 5, 2015

Kinda Cute don't cut it, and only queer men love looking at other guys on Facebook

The long heated feud twixed one of my shop associates and I is cooling off. Seems as though the other day both of us were in a state of just being pissed off at the world and circumstances beyond our control. Even so I reminded him that its mine and Richie's shop now everything goes through he and I or it don't get it. Speaking of don't get it. had an inquiry by some gal for the Miss RodeWolf/HazzardAyre talent search. Although a fair personality, the description of kinda cute, just does not cut it. Granted there's not going to be a drop dead gorgeous Cindi Crawford model walk in the shop, but I have seen some that could do the task if they only would. Oh well. Guess just need to farm this out to an agency, as snow time means tow time, and I have no luxury on seasonal time. Ad space and discounts on two SLC based TV stations that have agreed to take on HCC, at a reduced rate, is dwindling. The thing is the discount is further reduced if we produce and shoot the video ourselves, and that also means many days I'm not in the shop, but in studio and doing meet & greets. TV ad air time at $25.00 a pop don't come along very often, more over that same network air time at $125.00 a pop on twi cable networks don't come along very often. The idea being getting HCC , as well as RodeWolf Toewing in the eyes and on the minds of every possible tourist and two wheel pilot in the region, who might need what we have to offer. More over with our radio gig being somewhat obscure, getting people to  visit us on Livestream to tune into our radio channels is vital. So a bit of sexy ink in EasyRiders, and such as well as on a few TV  shows like Ice Road Truckers is also vital, so we are feverishly looking for visual enhancement by female not involving bikinis. However, while this new applicant was okay, again Kinda cute , don't cut it.
So as I close, need to ask the big question that extends into the  realm of why is it that both men as well as women gawk at pics of Stringfellow Hawk, rather than Jean Bruce Scott aka Britches. My only response is that there are too many queers staring at other guys on Facebook.