Thursday, October 1, 2015

Partners in business are good, if all that's involved have the same vision

Back in 1982 when Jimmy and I opened the first off TV real version of the Hazzard County Garage, in Hazzard(Hagerman) Idaho , it worked and worked well, simply because myself, Jimmy, Allan and Rick all believed in the same goals and had the same vision of what the shop should be and should become. As a result we did not take in just everybody's car, nor any sports moms SUV's, we built hot rods. Of course we towed which brought in the everyday money. When everyone believes in what it is and has the same ideas and doesn't just push one or the other aside, it works. However when there is division in that vision, if the goals are not defined, and there is a difference in the end product, then its a good idea for either one of the partners to gracefully bow out, or one ask the other to leave. I would be fine if a serious common thread or agreement of what the Hazzard County Choppers/RodeWolf Toewing is and why I opened it, but I'm not leaving the shop at least not yet, I've got too much invested in it to just let it go. There are other members that want to be partners that understand what HCC is all about and the direction it should take. But I'd also be lying if I said, that as painful as it may be, I'd just asoon get out of the shop, fix what I have there and me move back to Twin Falls, or that area, and just admit that as much as I feed this pig, all I'm getting out of it is pig shit, and not the bacon. 
In the morning I'm calling the lady on the PT Cruiser, and refunding her money for the diagnostic fee. After this if it ain't a bike or a custom, it don't get in the shop, at least as long as I'm part of it. I'd rather fold Hazzard County Choppers, than to keep hitting the wall, and my desires for the shop, not being met. 
I never nor did the club, intend on opening up a shop, nor moving LexiBelle here to go tow. Both myself and the club, had in mind was the radio station, and maybe a true bikers bar here. The shop came up, I took it. But between my health, and what I know how to fix, is why I have always said, I don't repair em, I just tow em. I know old skool muscle cars and trucks, I know old skool Harley's and Indian motorcycles. I will admit up to a point I don't know new or newer cars and trucks with all the computers, and sensors and so on. That's why I admit my limitations. Sure it was wrong to take in the PT Cruiser, but even that, I asked my associate YOU look at it and tell me what you think. But there was HIS truck in there to finish being fixed, that's fine. Then another friends car that needs to be fixed, and a Ford Truck that's being done to help some High School kid, okay fine. But those DON'T PAY THE BILLS. I had to go hungry for the last week, since I paid on the power bill. The phone bill needs to be paid, I have to buy the business license, it is me that the cop came to say no more business in there until I buy the business license. Can my vision survive, sure it can, but that takes marketing, buying TV and out of area ad time, building a website for HCC, and so on. Whose going to pay for that? Me of course. The club is only going to start putting money in, after the club sees some sort of money being made. Any mile, my body has just about had it. 
HazzardAyre Radio at 06:00(6:00AM)