Monday, October 5, 2015

America is becoming Borg, but we must resist, it isn't futile

America as I see it is venturing down the path of becoming the Borg of Star Trek fame. Where all individuality and freedom is gone, where assimilation is the order of life and we all become part of a controlled collective. 
Some condemn President Obama, but he is only part of a entire body of politicians, rulers, and even religious bodies that are determined that we all must march to one drummer for the entertainment and service to a tyrant that is not what our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ , but a human destined to attempt to be and perhaps is a demon angel of Satan himself. 
Many who read my columns everyday know that I propose that the only path out is by the legends, lessons and teachings of the southern brethren, but that a complete overthrow of the powers that be must be thought of , planned and executed very soon, or our planets complete decimation is going to be immediate, and tragic. 
Our Government and other leaders have not taught, or led by any kind of honor or integrity, but of force and conquer. I'm not speaking of anything along the lines of terrorism, or violence , but there needs to be a movement made soon. This comes from a unification of our people, to rid our nation, even that of our planet, of these destructive tyrants, and replace our Government halls, capitols, and government chambers of God fearing, and loving people, with respect for life and liberty. 
In other Star Trek lore, there is the couragious people of what was charted as the Beta Quadrant, called Quonos or the Klingon Empire. The main guiding force of the Klingon people is, Duty, Sacrifice, Strength, and the Circle of Honor. We as a nation need to be looking at those attributes, not just being passive, and ignoring the future waiting for some magical force to rescue us. Face it the mothership is gone. We are on our own, but we must not loose touch or loose our lives just because decency for life, and loss of liberty is the number 1 trend in a world that was created by our Heavenly Father as one of brotherly and sisterly love. 
Gene Roddenberry the creator and author of much of Star Trek, envisioned a life and Universe, full of mind and knowledge expansion, not of death, destruction, and assimilation . 
If you believe as I do, and as the Knytes-of-Dixie , the AyreWolvez, do. Then come join our fight support us, financially, and in volunteering of your time , to rescue a very troubled world. Lets make Gene's vision our own. 
Live Long and lets prosper.