Sunday, October 18, 2015

Strange things that you see and some only in Wyoming

There are things we see and experience that are strange and yet will comment about or say will ya'll look at that at the time, but will say something afterwerds. Example; Have you ever noticed that when a woman is fully displaying that they are pregnant, that their belly button fully points outward like a small mole hill rather than hidden as it would be normally? Of course there are those women on TV, when running, fighting, and even doing animal sex scenes, that their make up always looks fresh, hair not ruffled and her perm is fully curled ? That when they go to see someone the person they go to see is always home, the car always starts even after hours with the lights on the battery never goes dead. Car always has plenty of fuel, and everyone always has plenty of money? Of course, there's the technology on TV. Computers always works, even if in real life you'd play hell trying to get a wifi connection in some of those places, the Cell phone always works, even though the scene shows the people are trapped between two mountain areas, yet Verizon seems to function. 
If the scene shows some gal in nylons, which don't happen much any more , but if they are, ever notice the stockings never get a snag or run in them? I used to watch rather sternly the Dukes of Hazzard, most General Lee scenes were done correctly, except while ye old General had a automatic transmission, it sounded like they were shifting gears. Yet you never saw a clutch pedal, likewise, if you saw Uncle Jessie driving his truck, the gear shift lever always was in park. The police cars always changed from AMC Ambasadors to Fury III's then back again. Yea not bashing the Dukes, as our foundation and core is based on all things Hazzard, but there were times that the continuity directors must have been out to lunch. 
Then of course there is things you'll only see in Wyoming. Like walking out back just under my balcony two deer sleep at night and feed just beyond the property in a near by field. 
Next time; The Field across the road may look greener until you have to mow it, and Evanston Wyoming , must have been the home where Murphy wrote his law.