Sunday, September 26, 2010

Idaho is nice, but Utah is looking even better.


The mark of a good soldier is to know when to charge ahead and when to retreat and regroup. While I should be happy as a Wolf with a fresh kill, here in Idaho, at least this part of Idaho, the words from one of our older members rings in my ears, Idaho is dead and there is no way to breathe life back into it. While , I’ll do my best on the radio station project, my objective is simply to find the best way to exit the damn state, while saving some grace and saving some form of dignity. With the constant put downs, and crap from our hecklers in MHI, to the lack of advanced infrastructure at least in this neighborhood, not to mention the fact that the ROI on my relocation here in late 2006 has been zero. I’m to the point of saying and I am, what the hell am I still doing here? I met with my DAV/PSR Friday, plus I met with a few of the area members of the Knytes from Saturday night into mid morning Sunday. And I have reached the point that arrangements are being made to relocate me , as fast and as sure as the next sunrise to Utah , somewhere. Its not just the dingy from MHI that caused this decision, but it adds to it. Thursday morning I awakened to a recorded phone call, from Idaho Power. Telling me my power bill was late or not there. To which I called them and told them that my financial advisor(Cuzzin Bud) had paid that bill. So to confirm I called Bud at least 8 times. Finally after 18:30 hours I got in touch and all was well, however the fact is, what if Bud had bit the sand? What if I’m up here, he’s down in metro Utah and something happens, I’d be the last to know. The fact that all except maybe two or three members of the Knytes and only two of the AyreWolvez still live in Idaho , mainly Hazzard and surrounding area, plus with most of my personal family living in extreme southeastern Idaho and northern Utah, again begs the question, what the hell am I still doing here? No, I’m not tucking tail and running off here, and there is sometime left until I can split, but as soon as I can, seeing Welcome to Utah in my windshield and Welcome to Idaho in my rearview mirror, will be sweet. Hey fellow Knytes and Wolvez, I came up here, I tried, I have suffered , cold winters, nearly being homeless, hunger, and that’s the short list for migrating to Idaho. I have just come to the end of my rope, I have no reason to fight anymore. Hey I was born in Jerome Idaho, went to school for 3 years in Idaho, and up until mid 1987 made a living in Idaho. The fact that Idaho became the land of ignorant Yankee’s means , I’d rather live in a restricted , but progressive state like Utah than to call Idaho home anymore. As far as the radio station? In Idaho there are 3 FCC allocations for a station to be licensed to left, there used to be 4 , but one is now owned by us, which I’m even thinking of selling if our club President says okay. In Utah I know most assuredly of 12 allocations, to which a station can be licensed too. There is a media talent pool to be hired from , there are website developers there that can get us headed in the right direction, plus the ROI is better there, so as soon as I can, I’m outta here. I’ll have more on this Monday, but as far as a long term thing in Idaho, not going to happen, and I might add, by me being back in Utah , means not only will I be on the air faster, I’ll be in the Ayre, sooner, as AyreWolf Aviation is HQ’d in Woods Cross Utah.

Until L8R Rebels

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting. - Alan Dean Foster
Hebrews 10:30-31“For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

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