Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grease the palms first


When journalism is dictated by how much one spends with the ad department ya’ll need to question the publication that your attempting to put an article in. More over with newspapers(except ours) needing feeding so much these days with declining subscription and ad sales, you’d think that padding the seat might be a desired thing. Example; If I’m looking to getting a medium to moderate sized trucking company, to use my towing services exclusively or moderately so , I’ll do just about everything I can to sweeten the deal. From buying lunch to paying a stay over motel bill, to even a free listing on my own companies web site. Yet this concept is ignored by those who just are not looking at longevity in a business. As it was with the TIMES NEWS, of Twin Falls . Had they ran the article on the club, and then the radio station coming up here in a month or so , when they said they would, the club would be much more in tune with buying ad space in the Times News later on, likewise next time that such an even as the Long Butte Fire occurs, and the Times News would like to take a ride over such a disaster area to shoot some pics for an article I would have been happy to do so. Since no story in the short haul, guess who will not get a welcome invitation to anything more? One of the reasons the radio station project concept started years ago, was the ignorance of arrogance of some local media including some area radio stations. Back then, when the first leg of the clubs beginning was taking place, we were hard to even get a nod much less an article or get invited to a sit in with a radio news interview. However , when the 1982 nationwide Truckers strike went down, the same folks who ignored us and me, were on the damn phone looking for a local input source as to what was going on across the country. Some of them were mad that I slammed down the phone. Why? Simple, they ignored us in the first place, so now why would I want to open up the door now, that our group was now important, on a national scale? Got a reply from Josh at the Times News saying get the station up THEN  we’ll do a story on it. My thoughts here? After we get the station up, why the hell would I look to the TIMES News for anything? The real thing here is this; For nearly two weeks , I got call after call from one of the local reporters to do a story for the club and then station. Once a time was available, one of the young girl reporters comes over, takes up my time to do the sit down interview, then does nothing with it. Now granted I did tell Josh to go easy on our supporters since many are not into telling all they are involved with us. But just to pull the plug on the article? Hong Kong Phooey. It’d been easier and better if I had just went in , bought an ad and had been done with it. Still most likely will, but later things with that paper? All I can say is maybe?

L8R Confederates.

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
There are no such things as applied sciences, only applications of science. - Louis Pasteur
James 3:13“[Two Kinds of Wisdom] Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

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