Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Sons season, Good , but needs work

HCT BLOG HEADER Knytes Label 1

Samcro_png-500x400 ABLACKKNYTE

The long awaited season premier of SOA happened overnight, and although living up to the hype, the series this year is  a bit loose and not too tightly wrapped for 2010/2011. Although I see many twists here, and was happy to see our input used on many parts of the premier and even two of our own, being featured in the background at the funeral of the prospect probbie, as well as Burner being introduced as a transplant from Nomad status into the mix , I still think the series detours from its original course and delves too much into the dramatic and not so much of retention of being the core concept, but hey its a great beginning.

We had a great party here at Knytes Hall watching the series premier, don’t forget the weekend long rally here in Buhl starting Friday at 18:00 when the Dukes marathon begins. Need to stock up on the Pepto and Goody’s.

Office studio put off for a month , until the new club budget meeting is held later this month. Questions remain within the club of if the Tragic Valley is the best place to launch the flagship for Hazzard County/AyreWolf Radio, or if putting up the flagship in American Falls Idaho, might be better, then relooking at Buhl in a year or so. Not saying nothing bad about Buhl, but there is just so much that I can do, and just so much that the few here involved can do. There just is not allot of available if any trained on air radio talent that can do radio to our standards, in this area. Thought is, it might be better to hire from ISU as there are more possibles there than here, then once refined then relaunch Buhl in a year or so.

But there is time to decide. But I will say this too; perhaps ye ole Wolf here might be making my Wolf’s Lair in Pocky or Springfield by then. As there is an old abandoned air strip just outside of Springfield, that could make one heck of a home grown place for the Wolf-Pack. While I’ll always be loyal to the Knytes-of-Anarchy, my first responsibility is to the survival of the Wolf Pack. Aka; the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association.

Be looking out for the Hazzard County Tymez at all locations where ya’ll used to pick up Monkey Bizzness from.

L8R Rebels

WOLFS LAIR SIG  our buisness card

Quote of the day:
I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed. - James Thurber
Psalm 143:10“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

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