Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cold last night it was


Cold last night it was. Looked over the grand old Farmers Almanac and it said the first snow was to be in the first week of October. Which means doing more to be going towing when its snowing for ye old Wolf here. With that said although it can be done, time to roll our byrds inside the Hanger to do those fix it chores that we kept putting off for the joys of flying over the past summer months. Installing new avionics, redoing that uncomfortable seat, rethreading those old control cables that no doubt have became frayed at best. As well as winterization that is required for better flying in cold temps and conditions. Are your wing heaters up to snuff to keep icing to a minimum? Or completely off? Talking about heaters, is your in cockpit heater working to its best ability, or could it use some tweaking? From making sure you have your Jeppson charts updated to your GPS flat panel display polished, its time to look at your byrd close to make sure its up to task for winter. Don’t forget to stock up now for your survival kits. Blankets, none perishable foods, etc are required if you have a unfortunate unplanned landing. It might take time for others to find and rescue you. Be prepared. As far as clothing? Do you have your winter wearables yet? As well as spare threads in your survival kit? An extra coat, longjohns, sox, even , and I know I’ll catch hell here, but what about pantyhose ? Do you have an extra pair or two. No I’m not talking of something queer or kinky here. But in cold conditions, a pair of hose under those longjohns can keep you from freezing. Pantyhose and or dancer tights are ideal, for keeping warm. Those who ski know what I’m talking about. How about eye protection? Do you have snow glasses? Goggles? Having an extra pair or two is not a bad plan. Next blog, winter in your truck.

L8R Confederate Aviators

WOLFS LAIR SIG  ourshopsign

Quote of the day:
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Psalm 143:10“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

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