Thursday, September 23, 2010

Knowing limits when there should be no limits!!


In an old Clint Eastwood movie, the phrase was used that said “ A man has got to know his limitations. For the Hazzard County folks, especially the Knytes-of-Anarchy , limits are just something to be considered a challenge, then overcome. Such as building a streaming radio station web site. This has been an ongoing project ever since our pirate station near Hazzard went dark in 1997. The discovery of a ultimate running , now silent site based out of Nashville, was an eye opener. Problem is here in Idaho and even metro Utah there are few if any web site builders familiar enough with streaming that anyone the club contracts to do that finds they can get partly there, but has no idea of where to go, beyond the basics. Now this is not saying Mike in Boise, that is building or attempting to build our site is not capable but can he do it? For the amount of time it has taken to build this, nearly 9 years now, I’m getting to think, a trip to Portland Oregon to the home of Abacast might be worth the trouble . But we’ll see if Mike can do the job first. The delay while painful means just that another delay, but one way or another , it’ll be up shortly after Christmas if not before, so don’t close the door or snore, yet.

With that said, if Idaho, is to edge into the 21st century and get beyond its Victorian era , things like teaching these skills needs to be brought into our educational school systems. More over at least one of our advanced beyond High School institutions needs to go to enabling college courses that teach such skills. As I for one if it were offered would go to such a school. But the question needs to be asked, is there not anyone in our state of Idaho, that can build such a website? There’s $5,000.00 on the table here for someone who can.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy knows no limits, which is the frustrating part. We are in a place where there are too many limits, both from lack of resources both financial as well as human. Which is why there are thoughts of relocating the Knytes HQ to either southeastern Idaho, or back to Utah. This will be what we call Knyte Moves.

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wolf burst Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher. - Victor Hugo
Romans 5:3-4“Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

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