Friday, September 24, 2010

Batteling Yankee Stupidity with Confederate Sanity


With suffering with swimmers ear, I am online continuing the fight against Yankee stupid with Confederate Sanity.

Saw a source of thought today as I along for the ride with my DAV/PSR , I said with all jest although it makes sense many spur lines between Twin Falls and Buhl. That is used very seldom and yet could be used for public rail transportation, or a commuter rail system. Likewise between Bliss to Jerome is another one of these abandoned spur lines. With the cost of fuel, and low revenue coming into Idaho, here is a thought, why not convert these spur lines in a mass commuter transit system? This way those with limited means could get to say Twin Falls which is southwestern Idaho’s major commerce city. With C3’s call center in full bloom, imagine the savings on personal rides , gas etc, as well as money to be made through a mass transit rail service. If it can work in Utah, why not Idaho? Okay, then; Idaho is suffering from real shortages of income from tax revenues. I see, I don’t know how many vehicles that are both not safe but putting poison into the air. How about , other than just Boise or Ada County, the entire state go to a vehicle safety inspection if not a emissions inspection? I could talk about a property tax on vehicles like Utah has, but I’m not into over regulation or taxation, but these poorly running and unsafe vehicles need to come off our roads, and get an annual inspection just like big trucks or even my tow truck has to pass, just to get on the roads. The state makes money, only safer vehicles get on the road, and the schools that were to get the lions share of Idaho’s lottery money, could really gain some funds. By the way if there are tons of lottery tickets being bought, but the states coffers are empty , where is that state lottery money going? Idaho and Utah are in an election season, has anyone of our candidates stood up to THESE questions? More over, have you heard anything much on trucker laws in Idaho on the ads from those running for office this year? How about farm policy? What about alternative energy, like Ethanol or Bio-Diesel? No, all we hear is how bad our kids are suffering because the schools have little to no proper funding. If Idaho is to prosper we need industry, we need jobs, and we need other than farm and tourist income. That means looking outside of the box , that means the Confederate National Party. We as modern Confederates need to stand up and speak. That said a CNP Rally is being planned for election day in Both Boise as well as Twin Falls.

For more 411, email me at , .

Talk to ya’ll Saturday.

L8R Rebels


Quote of the day:
I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. - Carl Sandburg
1 John 2:1“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”

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