Thursday, September 16, 2010

True Independence is the Modern Confederacy


A few weeks ago ,I attended purely out of curiosity a meeting of our local chapter of the VFW. At the beginning of the meeting , everyone stood up, put their hand over their hearts and pledged allegiance to the flag. As for me, I could not bring myself to do that. I stood as all else in the room did, but I could not pledge allegiance to the flag, nor could I sing the national anthem. I had to excuse myself, go home say the pledge to the flag of Dixie and sing the Dixie National anthem. I have watched for a year the ads, heard the candidates from all three parties, Republicans, Democrats, Independents. But, all I hear is the same speech. I do not hear change. I still feel in my heart that a real candidate from the CNP needs to stand up and speak, from the CSA/CNP platform. One of the major cores of getting our radio station and our printed newspaper up, is to get the words of and the ideals of the CSA/CNP in front of the public. I’m not swayed easily. I do not trek after the latest fad. So for me to to follow the CSA/CNP as firm and as religious as I do, must mean there’s some real meat in the CNP’s message. I’m not talking of slavery, or racism , I’m talking of getting Government out of our lives, from the IRS to the FCC. I’m talking freedom from oppression, and USA communism. Which our current government is working everyday into our lives. Yes there needs to be checks and balances, yes there needs to be some rules established for complete freedom to endure. But to use those rules even to extend those rules, to where the rule is the only way to go is wrong. Let me give a few examples. I had to reluctantly accept going on both Social Security, and public welfare at the collapse of the original formation of the Montgomery Trust.  What I’d like to see is a program like a grant from the Government that says here’s some seed capital, to build a business even a SMB , and a few hundred bucks to live on until your business blooms. Imagine what could be, people off the public payroll, working, putting tax money back into the support of schools, roads and so on. I’d much rather get up in the morning to go to the shop, bust tail and have a better life. As it is, I can only do so much until I make too much that clips the SSA payment each month. I’m not talking a SBA loan, I’m talking a full grant from the USA, coffers. A one time hand up, rather than a continuous hand out. When Obamabeenlyintoya put up the first stimulus payments in late 2008. Mine went right to the Idaho Dept. Health and Welfare, for Child Support. For a payment that was still in contention since my Son is over the age for Child Support. Okay so I’d rather would have had the stimulus to bring my operation , to some sort of forward motion, and be able to pay the whole damn back payments off, rather than just reducing the old bill $250.00 . As it is that old bill will be on the books for decades. The Government gives and takes away at their leisure rather than for the good of the whole. The System is broke, it needs repair. Better yet a complete rebuild. Yet of the 3 candidates I met at the TF County fair, it was the same old hand shaking that we always see, without any serious answers to the problems. The other thing I see in this election season, is candidates that think Idaho’s government begins and ends at the Ada County line, and while many travel to the other areas of the state all activities are in Boise. I can’t go to Boise. I can’t cross the Elmore County line because of you know who. I’m closed off. Sure I could fly over, and go to Boise that way, but how do I get from the Airport to what ever event? Landing a helicopter in the middle of Fairview ave in Boise is a bit impractical. But it takes the rest of the state, not just Boise to elect a governor, yet I do not see any localism in that effort. I have never had as many limitations in progress for myself as much as I have suffered since I moved back to Idaho. And if the question becomes why don’t I just move to say ; Utah, the answers are many but revolve around two things, one I just can’t afford to move right now. I have way to many past due accounts that need settled before a serious relocation can be considered and two; there are some real projects on behalf of the Knytes-of-Anarchy that need completed before I can look close and exiting Idaho.

Now then, if ya’ll want some real meat with your breakfast. If ya’ll want to help the club, and me, we need to raise the fund of $600.00 so the radio gear can be bailed out of Gooding, and us get into the office. My personal funds are dedicated to the towing firm I own, to be able to put food on my table. So if you want to help, here’s how. Help scrape up the $600.00 send it to me I’ll get the things done. This is not fraud, nor anything. I’m matching the money dollar for dollar, myself. This would be a total of $1,200.00 going to put Hazzard County Radio on the air. Giving the CSA/CNP a real media voice, and giving American’s and Idaho a choice. If you want the CSA/CNP to bloom, help me and I’ll Git-R-Done. Email me at to get the snail mail address.

The 2012 elections will be on your front door step faster than you can say corn grits and ham. If ya’ll want to help Dixie rise, if ya’ll want to see the platform of the CSA/CNP gain momentum, then help me with the radio gear and we can start that right from here.

The CSA/CNP on TV, next blog.

L8R Confederates

WOLFS LAIR SIG    Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices. - William James

James 3:13“[Two Kinds of Wisdom] Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

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