Sunday, September 19, 2010

Miss Hazzard County and the Cooter Store


It goes this way every year. What should have been running full warp speed by now is running slower than Flash going after a rabbit. I had thought and this is what thinking gets ya’ll, but thought we’d have a Miss Hazzard County and the Hazzard County Honeys all in place ready to get on the web and on TV. But nope, between the move groove from Bliss to Buhl, to a bunch of other extra projects just never got it done. But the year of 2010 ain’t done yet so the Knytes sedd, lets get out the lead and see if we can generate some steam in the stream here. Now with that being said the site of the live Miss Hazzard pageant will be at the MVM in Twin mid November , just before Thanksgiving. Which as usual will give us a whole month to get any pix shot and up on the Hazzard County Garage/Knytes-of-Anarchy Calendar for 2011. And not much more until after the holidays. The powers that be have garnered some great prizes for Miss Hazzard County this year, including a $150,000.00 modeling/acting contract that will include a speaking part on the new Hazzard County movie; The Dukes Ryde Again, that goes into production in May of 2011. Much of the new series pilot movie for a revived series dedicated to all things Hazzard will be shot in and around good old Hazzard here, including , Buhl, Bliss, Twin Falls and Jerome. As well as in Boise. It’s no accident that CMT started running the reruns of the old series.

Okay then; continuing with things getting hot about things Hazzard, the Knytes-of-Anarchy will be setting up shop inside the MVM, a store dedicated and merchandised of products of not only the Dukes, but also the AyreWolvez and more.

MHC AD 1  

So if your a hot southern belle babe, that is looking at making serious green, get in touch with me via phone at 208-737-9653 or email me at to find out how to get entered for the Miss Hazzard County talent search or being one of the Hazzard County Honeys.

Whomever said that Sunday’s were to be a day of rest was damn serious about it. Was working on LexiBelle yesterday and stretched wrong and pulled something serious in my back. And I have been popping Goody’s like they is candy. Which gets my stomach all oozing bile which gets me to doing the diarrhea shuffle.

Have a cat coming in from Boise Monday to get the work under way to bring to life our ultimate Hazzard County/AyreWolf web site rolling. So being I’m hurting going to go take another warm bath to see if I can heal.

Until Monday eve, keep it tween the ditches.

wolf burst  Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it. - Dan Quayle
Ephesians 4:29“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

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