Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Live or Roll over and Die


When the hour of my Mom’s passing in 1983, I was left by myself to simmer and weep. Which I did for only a day. Knowing that Mom after so many years of battling COPD, was in a better place.  I had a party instead of a wake. After all in Klingon tradition one celebrates that person who passes rather than grieve over the fact that we lost that person.

Over the months that followed, I could have just vegetated and relied on my Trust Fund to maintain life.

In mid 2003 when that Trust Fund was put on hold, due to a poor investment, again I could have just rolled over and died, but I elected to pull up my boot straps, take inventory of what I had and have and rebuild. Sure living on a military pension and SSA would be satisfactory to most, but not me. Granted I have been blessed by the support of both the Knytes-Of-Anarchy and the AyreWolvez, but even if I hadn’t been , I was raised can do , never retreat, Confederate attitude. That nothing is impossible, no matter how many people say you can’t, or shouldn’t. As our nation approached another anniversary of the tragic happenings of 9-11, I ask are we all just going to keep rolling over and dieing or, jump up and in the spirit of James Longstreet and General Lee, going to charge ahead and remain true to our flag of Dixie and say we WILL make it, no matter what? I’d like to think the latter. Some say that creating a business no matter what it is, is a risky if not stupid idea with the current economic depression we are under. I say, now is the best time to create a business. Our ancestors in those Kentucky and Tennessee hills , when things got bad, they never gave up then, we should not give up now, no matter where we live. A strong love and faith of our God, and our Confederate tenacity, means we can make it.

After 9-11 our nation rolled over and nearly died. Confederates said not I. We stood up , grabbed our sides and said we will not hide, we will survive. Confederate Americans believe, the best way to get on your feet, is to get off your butt.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one. - A. J. Liebling
Psalm 143:10“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

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