Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting Cold It is.


Okay so was watching the F-ball game tween BSU and VT. As I was watching I noticed that in comparison, the cheerleaders of VT looked a whole heap amount better than the fat swine that seemed to be the spirit lifters of Boise State. I hate to be a spoilsport, here , but if Boise State is going to tout and tempt the Force, to being a BCS and such team, best get some eye candy out there, or all you got is a bunch of sweaty dudes and no relief for the belief, that Boise duzz have sweet honeys.

With Football in the ayre and all, it would seem that winter is on the door. Although, Fall being one of the shortest seasons of the year, still its greeting a meeting of wet, cold, snow and heavy towing season. Question being are you ready? I sadly am not, but from advice I got, focus is on LexiBelle, not LuciBelle. Go figure the difference.

Don’t forget ; this weekend is the Dukes marathon on CMT and next week at 17:00 our time its Dukes, back on CMT.

With a minute 10 in the last quarter BSU, scored a shot that saved their butts. However it shows when you get to feeling to cocky you can be knocked off your throne. Sure BSU won the game, but by only 3 points the score was very tight. This was not BSU’s best showing. Way too many penalties and mistakes. Can BSU deliver a 14-0 year this year too? Boss Hogg could not have better odds.

But I will say can we get better looking Cheerleaders for BSU?

L8R Rebels

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Quote of the day:
I bought some batteries, but they weren't included. - Steven Wright
John 14:23“Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”

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