Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everytime I try to leave, they pull me back in.


Every time I try to put things AyreWolf on the rear shelf and look at refinding and refining all things Hazzard, the AyreWolvez pull me back in. Over the last several months I have been having an internal struggle with myself trying to set a course for the years approaching , and I find that 80 % of me is all things AyreWolf and only about 20% or slightly less things Hazzard County. While I’ll always remain loyal to the Knytes-of-Anarchy/Hazzard County Knytes, the parent organization of the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, I still feel more affection towards things in the air and ayre than I do things Hazzard. Part of this , is why back in 2008 the decision of reworking the Hazzard Knytes into the Knytes-of-Anarchy. As then I saw the lack of true things Dukes loyalty. Times change so do people. The friendships that I have made with UCAF, AOPA, and so on that led to the AyreWolvez run so deep that I can’t ignore the lore of the fancy’s of flight. Let’s face it; years ago I was content to just being the real life version of old Crazy Cooter and just going towing, and building trick trucks. Much of if not the last 30 or so years has been dedicated to Hazzard County and what that all means. My allegiance to the CSA/CNP will never change, but I’d rather fly than ride. And as the Holy Bible says one can’t serve two masters. This does not mean I’m giving up LexiBelle, nor going towing when its snowing, but the money to be made rebuilding vintage warbirds far exceeds tricking out trucks. So I surrender things Cooter to Ben,Jones and I’ll be content to soar as AyreWolf.

See ya’ll on the radio.

L8R Confederate Aviators & Rebels,

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Politics is made up largely of irrelevancies. - Dalton Camp
Psalm 143:10“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

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