Friday, September 17, 2010

If ya’ll cain’t join em, beat em


Ever get the idea that once something or someone gets to being even marginally successful, that you get forgotten, or at least ignored. You send praise and wish to get in step with them and yet getting a return phone call is like finding teeth in a rooster. As most of ya’ll know, AyreWolfFM/Confederate Star Radio has been under construction for nearly what now 6 or better years as an online source of military aviation entertainment and information. However being late to the table, one emerged beating us to the turkey drumstick . Yet we keep plugging away. Now is no doubt a great gig, but its only live for about an hour most days at 08:00 hours our time. Our gig will once completed, be live 24/7/365. There will be few pre recorded shows. More over by mid March 2011 we will be over the air. More on that in a short hop, but being live and direct is our target. Now even once we are there, and its a true fact, we , rather I, can be reached most of the time all the time. If not via regular good old fashioned telephone, or by email, and I will never fail to return a phone call or email. While the members of the AyreWolvez , brother organization of the Knytes-of-Anarchy have our heads in the clouds, we are not here seeking fame nor fortune. Nor will we ever get to the point of being so self righteous or pompous that we ignore you, our potential new members or fans, of what we do on air or in the air. Oh yes we do get very much active in politics , when it comes to the CSA/CNP etc , but even with that said, is the love we have for military warbirds, both fixed wing, as well as vertical flight, that includes helicopters. So to Matt at Warbirds radio and all of you , who feel we are not worth your time, think this, every wolf has a howl, and gets his prey.

L8R Confederate Aviators.

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised. - Marilyn Manson
Ephesians 5:1“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children”

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