Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why isn’t this stuff available here?


This is Idaho. For the most part a good state to live and enjoy life in, that is if your retired, about to retire, or want to farm. Beyond that, Idaho begins and ends it would seem at both the Power County, line on the east half of the state, and at the Ada county line on the west half of the state. The middle of the state is prehistoric or at least near prehistoric. You do not have to go look at the bone yard just outside of Hazzard to find fossils. You can find fossils still walking. Technologically speaking, forget just about everything, including , but not limited to creating a web site. Now creating one if your a computer geek, might be easy, but hey, I tow trucks and cars and turn a wrench. For me , HTML might as well be short hand for Hot Tamale, and so on. Not that I have attempted to bring on board, so called web creation pros before, but many were those who lost their jobs at the Dell Call center in Twin, that had no real grasp of what I nor the Knytes were interested in creating. However caught a bit of luck today and happened upon someone out of Boise that is WILLING to drive down here to Buhl to help create the one of ultimate Hazzard County, Southern fried web site, including doing the back end and front end of the online radio station, and dig this, at only $200.00 . Now I’m sure it may get more expensive since what we have in mind is a bit more complex than many are, but generally speaking if it takes even a thousand bucks to get this flowing it’ll be worth it. Bet it gets those from you know where to their tounges and keyboards wagging. More over having our online Hazzard County General Store etc will put some needed green not only in my jeans but the club’s as well, so its time to give it hell. That said, why is there nobody in between Boise and Pocatello, or even Burley that can build a streaming web site, or even just a web site? That can bill on an invoice and wont fuss, needing cash up front? After all, would you not want to take a drive in a ride before you bought it , to see if that ride is what you really want to buy first? Guess it depends on your priorities as if its doing an honest service for a fair price, or if your some bunch of college aged kids wanting to gouge peoples bank accounts for pure greed.

Why is the good tech stuff not here in between the fenders of Idaho? I truly want to know, but I guess it really depends on who you know. Get ready folks Confederate Star Radio is about to unfold online.

Better buckle up.

L8R Confederates

WOLFS LAIR SIG Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche
James 3:13“[Two Kinds of Wisdom] Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

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