Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It depends on where your at as to the meanings of words.

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It really does depend on where you live as to just what a certain word or phrase means. Case-n-Point, a Beaver means something very different on the CB than it might in more common city-fied environments. The word Hooker, ( I know one heck of a segway) means a tow truck on the CB, yet in more proper speech, the word means prostitute. Although you try to explain that to some, the more they will argue. How something is spelled is different in one place , means something else , elsewhere. The word Hazard , is spelled with two Z’s, where we live; Hazzard, yet the actual word elsewhere is spelled with one Z. Words in the Confederate States are just not spoken elsewhere, or very much. Like Youins, the word, is ya’ll plus 3 more people. This is why at first, NASCAR star Jeff Gordon was not liked by many of the diehard competitors. Since Gordon could annunciate. For us Confederates , there is no room for that.

Then ya’ll we watch such TV shows as She’s Got The Look , or Americas Next Top Model. Some of the makeup jobs they do on these gals, a decent Confederate Belle would never do up her face that way. Then there are the misleading words. Like the nationwide quick food place, Hooters. Hooters was named after the noise that an owl makes, a Hoot-Owl. Not about breasts of a woman. Yet someone made that connection and it stuck. Its like crawdads, are called crayfish by Yankee’s. Yeppers, it really depends on where your at or the profession your in as to the meanings of words.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Psalm 143:10“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

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