Saturday, October 30, 2010

Almost there.

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We are almost there. Thanks to our webmaster Mike, the AyreWolvez our brother org, hazz a website. While a heap amount still needs to be done, its feeling as silky as sweet Daisy’s nyloned legs, after juking at the Boars Nest on a Saturday night sipping Uncle Jessie’s finest. Even with that there is still a flaw in the slaw. As such us the main vein are still not there. The heart and soul of all of Hazzard County remains within our hands, and while there are many, many DOH websites, it is that we in the Knytes-of-Anarchy take Hazzard County and expand it beyond just the Dukes. As such the Knytes need our own website with a hot link between ours and that of the AyreWolvez and vice versa.

Found out that indeed that one of the sets of call letters for our radio station going in near American Falls is again available. As such I’m going to work with Mike to get registered and going into the construction stage. So that the voice of Hazzard County and the Confederate States-of-America can be heard. Like wise in time, where the eyes can see as well on Confederate Star Television Network is made available. We as a club are involved in discussions with the folks that own KPIH out of Pocatello to be the flagship of the CSTN as well as RTV. Imagine putting the two together with some serious studio ability, and can you say POWER? Not saying I’m uprooting and moving to Pocky or immediate area, but we have a sub charter near AMF , so why not get them in gear there. This way both KDOH, and KJYK goes on the air , here in Buhl at nearly the same time and begin the reconstruction of our DOH radio network all over the Mountain West. But we are almost there and that’s a big weight off my chest. Thanks to Mike, our webmaster. Thanks Much , Mike.

Keep it between the Ditches,


Quote of the day:
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. - Tom Robbins
Ephesians 2:8-9“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

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