Friday, September 24, 2010

Are you protected?

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Before I get flowing here, want to thank the gal and her photo taker from the Times News for the interview and so on yesterday. I’m not holding my breath, but the exposure for the benefit of the club could open a few closed doors, so hope they really do the story.

Also to our web creator Mike in Boise. Check will be in the mail as of the first of the month, that you can depend on. Hope the effort is rapid. This might be the tip of the pile to getting the ultimate Hazzard County gearheads web site on line, streaming and running. So Mike, consider yourself hired.

Okay then;

The wonderful world wide web. Nearly as vast as the universe, albeit limited to earthly minds, and greed. Saw a clip from a major virus protection company, that told of a fake FaceBook identity set up to mimic the director of Interpol, to glean 411 on criminals being investigated, globally. I too was invaded this way from the same source. My alternate screen handle of Highway Hooker a nick name gave through ye ole CB radio circles to one driving a tow truck. My hotmail account using that screen name was duplicated through FaceBook, that , I’m still trying to resolve. The fact that someone so unimportant could get snooped on, imaging how quick someone like Obamabeenlyintoya, or heck the President of the KOA/SOA ? Shit there are so many things that our leader possesses that the results could be embarrassing to say the least.

So with that all spoken while the medium of the web is a much treasured jewel, could your company even your own domestic security be threatened by being online? Is there ways to really secure your web site, and or even your own personal information security. Forget the firewalls, and all the protection software out there. Hackers can subjugate that faster than tapping sap for maple syrup.

While I’m anticipating the creation of our website as eagerly as Boss Hogg, waiting for greased pigs knuckles, still the threat of web security will be taken into consideration. Is there such a thing as ultimate web security that is hacker proof? Even if your own computer is so called protected, with more and more of the web going into the cloud, and software being written into the browser, hell even the OS being of browser operations, can true web security be attained, more over a sure thing?

Something to consider.

Don’t forget the Knytes meeting this Wednesday at Knytes Hall.

L8R Confederates

wolf burst Knytes Label 1

Quote of the day:
The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth. - Edith Sitwell
Hebrews 10:35-36“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

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17-27-1 SouthernbyGrace
