Friday, November 27, 2015

So just why do they call the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday?

Ever wonder about even the most simple things? Like why do they call the first Christmas shopping day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday? Why call it black? How about Red Friday as in Santa's suit, or white Friday acknowledging the seasonal frozen moisture called snow, that lays on the tundra? Some say it has to do with the publicizing of holiday offerings, and some extend the situation to some retailers giving the name , what ever it is this 
is what I'm avoiding. Then there is the time for terrorists , got noise that a mass email went out threatening Wal-Mart stores in the Rock Springs, Evanston Wyoming areas and Idaho stores with a mass bomb threat. And this is love of the season. Talk about love, there's those that you want to thank for their extension of the heart, like my partner at the shop, who even though stressed with some domestic situations, still has the kindness to roll out to my apartment to deliver me some gas so I could get into the shop, to thaw the car as well as get some work done on LexiBelle. Of course there's the extension of kindness from the complex manager of where I live allowing me some leeway on the mere $40.00 on my late fee of the rent here, at the Wentworth. Not that I didn't want to pay it, but parts delays on one job, the car taking a dump on the first of November, and the money we spent rescuing LexiBelle from Twin Falls pretty much ate up any kind of financial security of the month. Now let's see what happens throughout December. It wasn't much more than a year and two days, ago, when after sleeping in my office/studio, and about to take a room out in Tooele Utah, that I got a con job from a big fat lady who managed a trailer that was billed as an apartment, with all expenses paid, oh there was satellite TV and WIFI too. Really? If I had known that the fat lady, hadn't sent in the rent money, I would have asked for it back after the 4th time she came barking about rent that still needed to be paid. Twuzz not my fault that my cousin had just past away that diveed out the monthly money. Although it took a month of email and phone calls to get it where I could take care of my own funds, still by the end of December, I was ready to divorce myself from Evansgone. It became quite apparent that a gal that held herself out as much older at NGL, a wireless internet company here in Evansgone, that you can't compliment someone on a job well done. They took it as me coming on to her. Really? Then came the day after New Years, truck froze, couldn't go any where. So good old Nate at Steve's Truck Shop, fixed the little truck, but by then , I snagged my place here at the Wentworth, and I'm now wondering if I should renew the lease come the end of January 2016, or bag this and just move back to Twin Falls. Being alone here is worse than anything one can understand. 
I'd rather be in the warmth and friendship like this 
Than being all alone in Evansgone. Oh that's Charlie and family, and although not my blood kin, they always welcomed me to their house for dinner and made it to where I truly felt like I had a true family. My what an idiot I am for leaving there. But its also where and why I'm dedicated to building a operation like A1 , here in Evansgone. 
To end this, I will say, to my Bishop, that I love him, and the ward of the LDS church I am in here, just can't go to church this Sunday as I have no go-go juice(gasoline) to go anywhere.