Saturday, November 14, 2015

Oh you think not do you?

I'm going to make this as short as I can as I need some real sleep, as I'm going over to fetch LexiBelle, later today with Rick.
Have you ever written a blog of any kind, then went to look for it, but could not find it? Oh sure there all kinds of help forums that many like Blogger, Webs, and others say is there to help you. The reality? The parent companies like Google for Blogger, caught some flack from someone that did not like your post, and Blogger flat removed it. One service call generated enough money to help pay on some bills and gain the reunion, today. I think it woke up Rick a bit to where he saw what kind of money is out there snagging and dragging, if you really work at it. My job is tow em, Ricks job is to fix em , and I do pitch in once in awhile. 
Been a bit lax on the radio thing, reasons are many, bandwidth from AllWest, which hasn't been that great here of late, along with a service request I called in about early Friday. One channel was saying NOT AUTHORIZED, but the plan I'm paying for includes the none AUTHORIZED channel. Oxygen to be exact. Its called restricting due to past bill. My point of it, I don't mind paying the bill , if I'm getting what I want and need. If I'm not I bitch, and am not in a big hurry. From what I hear around town, and I helped here a bit, the MC got in bed with a wireless cable/internet firm out of Salt Lake City. Talked to a Evanston city Council member Wednesday, over lunch about the need, the city didn't even know the translator was still operating, but no input nor output signal. That's about to change as HazzComm Wireless Cable/Internet will operate from that point. 
More tonight and see ya'll on the radio Sunday morning at 09:00.