Thursday, November 12, 2015

Another call and a bit richer

So there I am sitting in the Wolf's Den staying warm on a night that feels like its 50 below zero, when we get a call. Truck jump start. No biggy, so off we go. Thankfully Rick is at the shop, so off in Dark Horse we go. Get there and 45 minutes later trucker is on his way back into Evanston. Come to find the truckers alternator is kaput, and serpintine belt kadeewompus. So Rick is at shop, I'm about to bed to get some sleep for the next day, that is going to be a busy one. A $600.00 plus job, and this may offset some of the drag on our wallets.
Then Steph comes down to the shop , needing something, I think she's horny, but she went, fetched some 100 mile tea, and bought her some gas, really I gave her $4.00 for coffee, not gas, same old Steph. She did that shit last year. Send her to town for Skoal, with a $20.00 she comes back with one can of Skoal, and no change. Really Steph? I could see her getting something out of it, like 10.00 in gas, but how about some change? Oh well. In this case best be that I go fetch my own stuff. Cheaper that way. 
Any myle ya'll this old Wolf is headed for bed 8:00AM comes early. See ya'll on the radio this afternoon.