Thursday, November 12, 2015

The new Hazzard County Tymez

There is an old saying that goes imitation is the best form of flattery. The thing is while its nice sometimes to see someone trying to walk in your footsteps, fact is it can reak havoc on your ability to generate income and can tarnish a reputation. Earned or not. Saw this on my Facebook page of a group calling itself the Knights-of-SAMCRO , see what they're doing? Trying to copy us in the Knytes-of-Dixie, thing is they'd have one helluva time doing that since the Knytes-of-Dixie is 150,000 member strong around the globe. Some may copy us, but we are never duplicated, we  are an Original. 
 So then , club met last weekend not far from here. With nearly 70 first person Blogger, blogs, telling the story of the club, there is a growing sense that there needs to be just one that has many pages, is controlled by us, on our own website along with links to our radio shows on Livestream As such we are actively searching of both a resident photographer and a regional web site builder developer to build our clubs site. 
More this afternoon